
Just another site

(I realized something today)

The reason I have always had trouble writing in the first person is that inserting parenthetical thoughts (like these) in the midst of a sentence is generally frowned upon in conventional writing.  When speaking, I add in comments that don’t necessarily drive my point forward (I like that WordPress suggested that I link an unrelated phrase to my favorite position in basketball) if I believe they add to the effect of what I am saying (or if I simply want to say them).  So I’m here to make a change and embrace the parenthetical (at least here, where if it sucks, no one knows who I am anyway).


Why did WordPress suggest that I tag this post “James T. Kirk”?

I need a computer

It’s hard to start a blog when you can only write at work.

Something I need to remember to do

Stop mindlessly buying Dr. Pepper‘s to drink with lunch just because they are only a quarter at the office.

Allow me to introduce myself

My name is…not going to be put on the internet.  At least not on this site.  Credit the pseudonymous sage Phila Lawyer for inspiring my choice to enter the blogosphere with a pen name after I read his piece The Small Talk Revolution.  I have a public presence on the internet.  Facebook, Twitter, SB Nation account, Google account, Top-Law-Schools account.  All in my given name.  I often find myself restricting what I post to these accounts, for various reasons.  I find myself fleeing from pictures, trying to keep myself out of situations that I might regret (not being in the situation, but there being evidence of me being there).  I don’t think I will ever be able to write the way I want to write while putting my real name on the text.  So let me return to my introduction.

As the About Me section has undoubtedly made you aware, I am a recent college graduate.  What it undoubtedly has not made you aware of is that I have something to say.  I’m just not entirely sure what that is yet, but I sure as hell intend to find out.  I have a short attention span (I have spent about 5 hours getting to this point in my introduction post while doing about 15 different things.  And I’m at work).  I need a constant flow of information to occupy myself or I go crazy.  Sometimes I feel like my brain works like the trending topics on twitter, only without the foreign languages and misuse of the word your. I like drinking bourbon, watching high quality television and movies, and playing sports.   I am a fan of the Seattle Mariners, Seattle Seahawks, and fuck Clay Bennett.  ADD Alert: Attention to be directed elsewhere.  I’ll keep the posts coming. Later.